
Django Terralego provides a mixin you can add to your models to enable the geodirectory. Each model will have a geometry field which will be automatically updated to terralego after each save.

class django_terralego.models.GeoDirectoryMixin(*args, **kwargs)

A model with a corresponding entry in Terralego.

The entry will be updated at every save. You can pass terralego_commit at False to force not updating the entry.

This model is designed to be one-way only. This means that it won’t update from terralego automatically. If you update the entry from somewhere else, you will have to call _update_from_terralego_entry manually.


Create or update the entry in terralego, adding the model_path to the tags if needed.


Set self.geometry and self.tags with the values in data and cache it.

Parameters:data – the geojson representing the entry

Get the terralego entry related to self.terralego_id and update the instance tags and geometry.

You can use django-leaflet to add a map widget. For example for the admin site:

from leaflet.admin import LeafletGeoAdmin

class MyModelAdmin(LeafletGeoAdmin):
    fields = ('terralego_geometry')
    map_width = '500px'